Our Dog History


This is Max, our first dog. Here he was at about
7 years old, Died an old man at 12 years of age.


Our second German Shepherd. Picture taken at 7 years old.
He died two years later from lymphoma. Very smart dog.

Max 3

This one was very smart and sweet. Unfortunatly he had some kind
of spine disorder and as he got bigger he lost control of his hind legs.

January 12, 2003

February 2, 2003

Max 4

June 25, 2003 - 2 months old.
Hard to believe he'll weigh over 110 pounds.
Then again, look at the size of those front paws.

Maxx 4 Sitting

3 years old here and our current dog. By far the best looking and biggest.

Maxx 4 Mugshot

In your face!


Xam is the one on the right next to Max 4. Since we had two dogs at once
and the name Max was already taken we went with Max backwards. Xam pronounced Sam.
Very strange dog. Not quite right and too aggressive. We had to have him put down at about 9 months.

Here is Xam a litte younger.