Ham Shack
Welcome to the Shack!


Equipment consists of:

The above picture is about one year old and some of the equipment has changed. Ten-Tec 565 Orion, Kenwood TS-2000, Astron 35M and 12A power supplies, Ameritron AL-80B amp, Ten-Tec 238B antenna tuner, Rigblaster Pro computer interface, MFJ-1026A Noise Eliminator, Vibroplex Iambic Key, LDG TW-1 talking SWR/Power meters, RF Applications P-2000CW SWR and power meter with CW output, MFJ-616 Speech Intelligibility Enhancer, Timewave 599ZX DSP, Heil Goldline Pro microphone and ClearSpeech DSP speaker, Hy-Gain T2X Tailtwister rotor modified with an Idiom Press Rotor-EZ digital control box, 4 element SteppIR HF beam with 30/40 driven element, Cushcraft 13B2 13 element 2m beam, KLM 440 27 element beam and 2m and 70cm Ringo Rangers, Cobra Ultra Lite Sr 160m-10m multiband dipole and a Tri-Ex LM-354 54ft. tower and other barious items.

I was initially licensed in 1976 as a Novice and soon upgraded to a Technician. My interests drifted and I allowed my license to expire in 1983. Many years later after loosing most of my vision, I decided to get back into Amateur Radio and received my new license in May 2004. These pages help to document the building of my current station.


QSL card
My QSL card .

QSL card
Photo by Alec Zubarau - WB6X